
Commands are the Controllers in the classic Model-View-Controller structure.

Command listens to every dispatch from the command dispatcher. Whenever an event or Signal fires, contex would find the event listener of command, and call the action function.

Command(Contex contex)


Constructor function require contex param.

void InitModel()


Override InitModel to initialize models.You should call BindModel to bind models to command.

public override void InitModel() {
        BindModel(ModelType.ScoreModel, ScoreModel.GetSingleton<ScoreModel>());

void BindModel(enum, Model model)


enum: model type

model: model class drived from Model


Call BindModel to bind models to command in InitModel function.

Model.GetSingleton<T> that will instantiate an model which works in the application life time.

Model.GetInstance<T> that will instantiate an model which destroys with the scene.

void AddListener(enum, Action.Do doFunc)


enum: event type

doFunc: action function.

delegate void Action.Do(object[] param)


Call this function to listen to a event, when got a event which is fired by "DispatchCommand(enum)" in other commands or mediator or view, it'll call the action function.

void OnMessage(enum, Action.Do doFunc)


enum: event type

doFunc: action function.


Call this function to listen to a event when you are using thread, when got a event fired, it'll call the action function.

void OnStart()


Instead of unity function "Start", and you should add listener here.

public override void OnStart() {
        AddListener(CommandEvent.GetScore, OnGetScore);
        AddListener(CommandEvent.AddScore, OnAddScore);
        // When you are using thread in command class, you should using message.
        // 当你在Command类中使用多线程时,应当用消息的形式使线程与MonoBehavior交互.
        // OnMessage(CommandEvent.GetScoreThread, OnGetScoreThread);


public class Test1Command : Command {

    public Test1Command(Contex contex) : base(contex) { }

    public override void InitModel() {
        // Bind model function, model instance will be destroy with the scene 
        // while you call the method Model.GetInstance, and it works in whole life time 
        // while you call the method Model.GetSingleton.
        // Model数据类在此进行绑定,调用GetSingleton则该数据类全局有效,GetInstance则只在当前场景有效,
        // 场景销毁则该数据类也进行销毁.

        //BindModel(ModelType.ScoreModel, ScoreModel.GetInstance<ScoreModel>());
        BindModel(ModelType.ScoreModel, ScoreModel.GetSingleton<ScoreModel>());
        // BindModel(ModelType.OtherModel,
        // BindModel(...

    public override void OnStart() {


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